El Carmen Nature Reserve
Meal and Beverage Service

It is recommended that guests eat breakfast before meeting at the Boquillas Port of Entry on the first morning of the trip. Regardless, we will pause in Boquillas to check in with the Protected Natural Area authorities and take the opportunity to grab a beverage and breakfast burrito to go.


Beginning with lunch on day one, all meal service takes place at RNEC Headquarters at Pilares, except for lunches days 2 and 3, which will be served in the back country en route. The dining room at headquarters, aptly called “La Cueva” must be seen to be believed.


All meals include as many fresh, healthy ingredients as possible. Every meal features a variety of options to accommodate most preferences. With notice we can accommodate any dietary restriction. Reserva El Carmen and Go Big Bend take pride in kitchen operation and the quality of meals.


In the back-country, Go Big Bend will provide lunches similar to the riverside feasts served by Far Flung Adventures: a variety of deli meats, cheeses, breads, trimmings, condiments; a guacamole or pasta salad, fresh fruit, chips, salsa. Nobody is going to go hungry.


Bottled water is available at all times. Soft drinks will also be available. Outside of a welcome happy hour, alcoholic beverages are not provided. You are welcome to bring adult beverages. A limited selection of beer, tequila and sotol are available for purchase in Boquillas.

Dining area with windows overlooking mountains in La Cueva
Dining with a view
Rustic seating area and service counter in La Cueva with ram's skulls, fruit and cowboy hat
Service counter La Cueva
Seating area with windows facing mountains in La Cueva
Social area La Cueva